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Industry day

Human and Technology in Smart Retrofitting

This event will be held in hybrid form on July, 29th and closes the 5th IFAC Workshop on Advanced Maintenance Engineering, Services and Technology (AMEST). It is directed to both researchers and industries and has the objective to explore technical and no-technical benefits and challenges in the integration of human and technologies for the retrofitting of legacy devices in providing services in maintenance and asset management. The event will be translated both in Spanish and English and has a cost of 30USD. Registration to the AMEST workshop (either in-person or virtual) automatically provides access to the industry day, whereas persons not attending the workshop need to register to the industry day.


Sebastián Giraldo

Iván Darío Valbuena

Luis Alfredo Esteves

Francisco Javier Murcia

Camilo Cardona Agudelo

Martha Yolanda Morales Gaitán

Alexis Ocampo

Chengli He

Program (Colombian Time)


Sebastian Giraldo (Milliken): “Gestión diaria en mantenimiento: como integrar la tecnología y la mejora continua hacia el logro de los resultados” / “Daily Management Systems in maintenance: How to integrate technology to continuous improvement”

Ivan Dario Valbuena (Enel): Data and people to support asset management in Enel Colombia


Martha Yolanda Morales, Camilo Cardona and Alexis Ocampo (Ecopetrol): “Asset management for energy transition 

Chengli He (Mathworks): “Digital Twin for Operation Optimization and Predictive Maintenance, successful industrial use cases”

Luis Alfredo Esteves and Francisco Javier Murcia (Celsia): “Challenges and best practices in integrating the use of technologies with people”

Closing remarks









Speakers’ Institutions: